Tens of thousands of people could be reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ through this modern technology. This ministry helps us to reach the Word of God to all kinds of people irrespective of religion, caste and nationality. Many other religious background people are scared to worship the living God freely due to family and social bond. And so, this is the best way to reach them. Dr. Ostine M.A. Paul is running a program in the local channel and praying and looking forward to do in the national channels.

We have 12 programs per month in 2 languages through which an estimated of 1 million people are being blessed by these programs. Half of the viewers are non-Christians. This program helped them to listen to the Word of God and follow Jesus Christ secretly at their houses itself. Every day we receive prayer requests and miracle reports. We praise God for His favor. All glory belongs to HIM the one who is enabling us to be a blessing to millions through this ministry. To be a continual blessing, TV ministry requires financial support. And we request kind hearted people to partner with us and get blessed.


For more details contact: Email: Tel: +91-9447136979