Late Rev. Manuel started his journey as a Hindu priest. He was so faithful in his duties and fanatic in his mission. But he felt emptiness in his heart and was searching for the true God. One day he was so attracted by a street preacher who preached about the love of Jesus. He followed him and accepted Jesus as his personal savior. As a result, he was chased away from his family but was firm in his decision and vibrant in God’s work. He visited homes after homes by walking and making disciples for the Lord. He always said “hallelujah”. And so people started calling him “Hallelujah Prasankiar” (Halleluah evangelist). A man of prayer who spent most of the time in his knees in a day. He has pioneered three churches and brought thousands of people to Jesus.



Late Bishop Dr. Manuel Ahimas was born on February 25th 1941 in the southern part of India. From an early stage, he involved in singing and children’s ministry in spreading the Gospel. He was so vibrant in doing God’s work at his young age itself. In 1960s, he was involving in evangelistic ministries and was serving God together with his job. In 1972 after a clear and powerful direction and call from the Lord, he left his secular job and came into full time ministry. Amid opposition from the family, crisis and struggles, he continued the great work to serve the Lord faithfully. He walked miles and miles to reach the people with the love of Jesus. After completion of Biblical training, God has given him the vision to reach the unreached and plant churches in the villages. With his bicycle, he together with his wife and three children rode miles to reach the people. Through him, God has delivered thousands of people out of bondages and demonic attacks. He is an apostle for Jesus who spent time with God in his knees like his father. He is a man of faith who did great things for God through the unchanging faith. He is a man of passion who has planted many churches for the glory of God. As a leader, he has raised many disciples. Rev. Dr. Manuel Ahimas had a thanksgiving prayer of 50 years faithful ministry. His wife Posteena has been coming along with him all these years wholeheartedly and with great commitment. She has been a real support and encouragement to him in the mission. He and his wife Posteena have three children Julie, Ostine and Juliena.

Rt. Rev. Dr. Ostine M . Paul.


The Rt. Rev. Dr. Ostine M.A.Paul was consecrated and commissioned as the Bishop of Soul Winning Church of India on September 19, 2015. He is the only son of Late Bishop Manuel Ahimas and mother Posteena M. Ahimas who were founders of Soul Winning Church of India. At the time of birth, his parents dedicated him to do God’s ministry. He was taught at a young age the Bible, Christian principles and servant heart. He bagan his ministry by serving children and teenagers. From young hood itself, he conducted musical program, VBS and youth programs. As a young chap of 18, he started pastoring a church in South India. Knowing the importance of education in doing ministry, he did complete B.A and M.A in English Literature, and went to Singapore to complete Master of Divinity (M.Div) and completed Doctorate in Theology later. He is a vibrant preacher for Jesus. Prior serving as Bishop, he has held notable positions like Director and Vice President of Soul Winning Church of India and he is the founder of Biblios Theological Seminary. The Scripture verse led him is “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). He was married to Shimi Ostine on December,2000 and have blessed children Bianstin Paul and Cianstin Paul.