Soul Winning Church of India (SWCI)

Soul Winning Church of India is a church dedicated to preach, pray and win souls. It is also dedicated to help the abandoned and downtrodden irrespective of caste, creed and religion. It is highly committed to educate the uneducated. The seed for this church ministry was sown by Late Rev. Manuel. It was started in obedience to God’s divine call and vision given to Late Bishop. Dr. Manuel Ahimas in 1972, with the mission “Connecting people to comforting Jesus”. He has sacrificed his time, money and energy to build God’s Kingdom according to His will. His son Bishop Dr. Ostine M.A.Paul, is the present Presiding Bishop and is serving God wholeheartedly for the expansion of  God’s Kingdom.

From three children under a tamarind tree has now been grown to 120 churches in four states of India. Under the immense guidance of the Holy Spirit, Late Bishop Dr. Manuel Ahimas started planting churches in tribal areas and villages which is being continued by his son Bishop Dr. Ostine M.A.Paul.

Biblios Theological Seminary (BTS)

To teach and train students to be efficient witness for Jesus, Dr. Manuel Ahimas and Dr. Ostine M.A.Paul has established Biblios Theological Seminary. The mission of this College is to raise ministers with Scriptural knowledge and practical experience to be a light and salt to the people who are in the darkness.

Compassion to souls

With great love and compassion to help the poor and needy, SWCI has many projects to support the abandoned people. As a part of the mission, we are helping Leprosy affected people, orphans, old age and widows.

Educate the uneducated

For the skill improvement of the poor people to have better life and job, we conduct Computer and tailoring institutes.

Blessing to the Society

As a part of being a blessing to the society, SWCI is dedicated to serve the people by providing water wells, conducting free medical camps and doing rehabilitation work and working to have a mission medical clinic and a school.